Friday, January 13, 2012

Counting Laps

Counting laps in the pool is difficult.  I lose track.  I suppose it's not such a bad problem to have.  I'm doing so many laps now, I can't keep track.  That's a good thing, right?

My last lesson with Sheila was on the 14th of December, our second session learning the art of breathing mid-stroke. Because of the holidays, I didn't make it back to the pool until January 3rd.  I was getting nervous, worrying that I'd forget my lesson even before I actually learned it. Coach Scott said we needed to be doing a 1/2 mile without stopping by January and I hadn't done 25 yards.  I wasn't ready.

After two and a half weeks, I wasn't much excited about getting back in the pool.  It was cold that Tuesday, which didn't help.  But I did it.  And as per usual, it took some time to get comfortable in the water.  I covered somewhere between 32 and 38 laps in that half hour.  I must have looked like a mess- erratic breathing, stopping often, and the occasional bout of panic.  Yup, even in 4 feet of water.  I hit the pool a second time that week, and planned for a third, but couldn't motivate myself enough.
This week, I've gone twice and am actually looking forward to my third session tomorrow.  I'm regularly doing over 36 laps each time (that's more or less half a mile) and am focusing on technique.  I still have episodes of panic, but they're shorter and for the most part, I'm able to recover quickly and move on. I'm covering 25 yards with about 9 strokes (both arms) and am the fastest swimmer in the pool at any given time.  Sure, it's mostly middle aged women with floatie things doing some sort of 80's aqua-aerobics, but I'll take it. I am encouraged.


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